Board of Directors
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C. Hunter
R. Colado
W. Stamper
S. JetteBOARD |
M. LewisBOARD |
Board Profile
The Board of Directors is a governing body of OCHFA (Authority/Agency) and is vested with all of OCHFA's statutory authority. In addition, the Board of Directors adopts and amends bylaws, appoints the Executive Director and other members of the Executive Team, adopts credit policies and credit guidelines for OCHFA's lending programs; as well as authorizes bonds and investments to support OCHFA's lending activities.
The Orange County Housing Finance Authority was established by Orange County Ordinance No. 78-18, effective November 3, 1978, and passed by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners on October 31, 1978, pursuant to Chapter 78-89, Laws of Florida. A resolution was adopted November 28, 1978, to include transacting business and exercising powers pursuant to Chapter 78-89, Laws of Florida.Chapter 78-89, Laws of Florida, outlines the powers and duties of the Authority.
The Authority may employ such agents and employees as it may require and may delegate to an agent or employee such powers or duties as deemed proper. Legal counsel for the Board of County Commissioners of Orange County shall serve as legal counsel for the Housing Finance Authority unless by majority vote the Authority decides to employ different counsel. The Authority shall make, purchase, and sell loans for qualifying housing developments; shall issue bonds and limit sources from which such bonds are payable. A member shall receive no compensation for his/her services, but shall be entitled to necessary expenses, including travel expenses, incurred in his/her duties.
Appointments: The Orange County Board of County Commissioners appoints five (5) members, one of whom shall be designated by the Board as Chairman. Not less than three of the members shall be knowledgeable in one of the following fields: labor, finance, or commerce.Chapter 78-89, Laws of Florida, outlines the powers and duties of the Authority.
Membership Repesentative:
1-At-Large Rep. | 1-Commerce Rep. | 2-Finance Rep(s). | 1-Labor Rep.
Term Length - Four Years: The terms of the members are staggered. NOTE: A member of the Authority's Board of Directors' shall hold office until his successor has been appointed and has qualified. Each vacancy shall be filled by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners for the remainder of the unexpired term. A Certificate of Appointment or Re-appointment of any member shall be filed with the Comptroller of Orange County.
RAY D. COLADO - Board Member
Term expires: 12/31/26 | Email:
Chairman & CEO, Commerce Bank & Trust. Mr. Colado is a second generation leader of Commerce Bank & Trust. As the second generation leader of Commerce Bank & Trust, Ray Colado continues the tradition of superior service, but with a blend of cutting-edge technology, thus offering the next generation of customer alternate delivery options.
WIL STAMPER - Board Member
Term expires: 12/31/27 | Email:
Vice President, Seacoast National Bank - Commerical Banker.
CURTIS HUNTER - Board Member
Term expires: 12/31/25 | Email:
Mr. Hunter is a member of several professional organizations – Association of National Advertisers, American Marketing Association and National Black MBAA – and is actively involved in various charitable and community efforts throughout Central Florida (HAPCO, 100 Black Men of Greater Orlando, Disney Dreamer Academy and Disney Volunteers).
SUSY JETTE - Board Member
Term expires: 12/31/28
Bio to be announced.
Term expires: 12/31/28
Mr. Lewis was born and raised in Lexington, Kentucky and transplanted to Orange County in the mid-nineties, He currently serves as a Managing Partner for Lost Lagoon Development, LLLP, a consortium of real estate development and construction management professionals. A construction management career that has spanned over 25 years, Lewis has worked for, or alongside some of the largest general contracting and design firms in the World on many of the most iconic construction projects in Florida and the Bahamas.
Staying actively engaged in the community is a passion for Mr. Lewis, who has been steadfast in his support for and engagement with numerous national charitable organizations, as well as community-based and youth sports organizations. He currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors for NAMC (National Association of Minority Contractors), and the Board of Directors for POPS (Professional Opportunities Program for Students), founded by Attorney and former State Senator Gary Siplin.
Mr. Lewis is an Alumnus of Florida A&M University, where he received two degrees, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Construction Engineering Technology, and a Bachelor of Science in Architecture.
Special District Reporting Information
Section 189.069, Florida Statutes
Legal Name: Orange County Housing Finance Authority (the "Authority"/ "OCHFA")
Purpose: The Authority was created pursuant to Orange County Ordinance No. 78-18 for the purpose of promoting and providing financial resources for affordable and workforce housing for Central Florida families and individuals as provided in the Florida Housing Finance Authority Law set forth in Part IV of Chapter 159, Florida Statutes.
Performance Measures & Standards: Pursuant to Section 189.0694, the Authority has developed an annual report which describes the Authority's goals and objectives for each program - performance measures and standards for 2024-2025.
Board: The Authority is governed by five members, all of which are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners of Orange County, Florida. Pursuant to Section 159.605, Florida Statutes, not less than a majority of the board members must be knowledgeable in one of the following fields: labor, finance, or commerce. Terms of the board members are four (4) years, but members hold office until their successor has been appointed and qualified. Board members receive no compensation for their services, but are entitled to necessary expenses, including travel expenses, incurred in the discharge of their duties. Board Secretary is Frantz Dutes, whose email address is
Current members or the board are as follows:
Member | Position | Term | |
Curtis Hunter |
Board Member |
December 31, 2025 |
Ray Colado |
Board Member |
December 31, 2026 |
Wil Stamper |
Board Member |
December 31, 2027 |
Susy Jette |
Board Member |
December 31, 2028 |
Mark Lewis |
Board Member |
December 31, 2028 |
Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the Authority is October 1 through September 30 of each year.
Creation Document (Charter): The Authority was created pursuant to Orange County Ordinance No. 78-18 in accordance with the Florida Housing Finance Authority Law set forth in Part IV of Chapter 159, Florida Statutes.
Mailing Address: Orange County Housing Finance Authority, 2211 East Hillcrest Street, Orlando, Florida 32803. The telephone number for the Authority is (407) 894-0014. It's website is located at
Boundaries: The Authority operates primarily within the geographical boundaries of Orange County, Florida, but, in accordance with certain interlocal agreements, also provides first-time homebuyer assistance to families and individuals located in Seminole, Osceola and Lake Counties, Florida.
Assessments: The Authority has no taxing power and does not collect any taxes or assessments. The Authority does, however, collect certain fees from borrowers seeking or obtaining financing via the issuance of multifamily housing revenue bonds. Such fees are set forth in the application(s) for funding which can be found on the Authority's
Primary Contact: The primary contact for the Authority is Frantz Dutes, Executive Director, 2211 East Hillcrest Street, Orlando, Florida 32803, telephone: (407) 894-0014, email:
Code of Ethics: Members and officers of the Authority are governed by the general ethics laws of the State of Florida applicable to public officials Part III, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. The Authority has not adopted a separate code of ethics.
Adopted Budget: The Authority's Fiscal Year 2025 Budget was adopted on September 4, 2024.
Audited Financial Statements: OCHFA's annual financial statements have been audited by The Nichols Group, P.A.. The audited financial statements have not been updated for developments subsequent to the date of the independent auditors' report. There should be no assumption that financial conditions or operations of the Authority have not changed since the date of the Statement. OCHFA's Annual Audited Financial Statement is available for download on the Authority's Investment Relations webpage.
Orange County Administrative Regulations - Meeting Agenda
Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, states that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by a board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
La Sección 286.0105 de los Estatutos de la Florida establece que si una persona decide apelar cualquier decisión tomada por una junta, agencia o comisión con respecto a cualquier asunto considerado en una reunión o audiencia, necesitará un registro de los procedimientos y que, para tal fin, es posible que deba asegurarse de que se haga un registro literal de los procedimientos. cuyo expediente incluye los testimonios y las pruebas en que se basará la apelación.
Seksyon 286.0105, Lwa Florida, deklare ke si yon moun deside fè apèl kont nenpòt desizyon ki te pran pa yon tablo, ajans, oswa komisyon ki gen rapò ak nenpòt pwoblèm konsidere nan yon reyinyon oswa yon odyans, li pral bezwen yon dosye sou pwosedi yo, e ke, pou rezon sa yo, li ka bezwen asire ke yon dosye vèbal nan pwosedi yo fèt, ki dosye gen ladan temwayaj ak prèv ki montre apèl la dwe baze.
Orange County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or family status. Those with questions or concerns about nondiscrimination, those requiring special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and those requiring language assistance (free of charge) should contact the Title VI/Nondiscrimination Coordinator at access@ocfl.netor by calling 3-1-1 (407-836-3111).
If you are hearing or speech impaired, you may reach the phone numbers above by dialing 711.
El Condado de Orange no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, edad, religión, discapacidad o situación familiar. Aquellos que tengan preguntas o inquietudes sobre la no discriminación, aquellos que requieran asistencia especial según la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA) y aquellos que requieran asistencia lingüística (gratuita) deben comunicarse con el Coordinador de No Discriminación/Título VI en access@ocfl.neto llamando 3-1-1 (407-836-3111).
Si tiene problemas de audición o del habla, puede comunicarse con los números de teléfono anteriores marcando 711.
Orange County pa fè diskriminasyon sou baz ras, koulè, orijin nasyonal, sèks, laj, relijyon, andikap oswa sitiyasyon fanmi. Moun ki gen kesyon oswa enkyetid konsènan non diskriminasyon, moun ki bezwen asistans espesyal dapre Lwa Ameriken andikape yo (ADA), ak moun ki bezwen asistans nan lang (gratis) ta dwe kontakte Kowòdonatè Tit VI/Nondiscrimination nan access@ocfl.netoswa lè yo rele 3-1-1 (407-836-3111).
Si w gen pwoblèm pou tande oswa pou w pale, ou ka kontakte nimewo telefòn ki anwo yo lè w konpoze 711.
Board Affilliations
OCHFA's board members participate as members of the National and Local Associations; maintaining involvement with the legislative processes which impacts on the present and future direction of the industry. This knowledge is gained by attending national and local conferences/ seminars with other affiliates in the industry; learning and sharing in affordable housing financing methods and practices to assist in making sound policy decisions in achieving the Authority's goals and objectives. Information accessed at these events helps to keep the Authority on the cutting edge of the industry, expanding the vision of the Authority.FLALHFA
The Florida Association of Local Housing Finance Authorities (Florida ALHFA) was founded as a Florida nonprofit corporation consisting of private and public professionals dedicated to financing affordable single-family and multi-family housing in the State of Florida. Its mission is to provide learning and networking opportunities in an environment for local municipal bond issuers and related professionals to share ideas and strategies for providing safe and affordable housing in our communities.
The National Association of County Community and Economic Development (NACCED) was created as an affiliate of the National Association of Counties (NACO) to assist in developing the technical capacity of county agencies. Today NACCED serves over 120 counties, most of which are CDBG entitlements; as well as having a large associate membership of consultants and technology firms. NACCED is a persistent and persuasive voice in Washington on budgetary and regulatory issues pertaining to community, economic and affordable housing development.
The National Association of Local Housing Finance Agencies (NALHFA), founded in 1982, is the national association of professionals working to finance affordable housing in the broader community development context at the local level. As a non-profit association, NALHFA is an advocate before Congress and federal agencies on legislative and regulatory issues affecting affordable housing and provides technical assistance and educational opportunities to its members and the public. Members are city and county agencies, non-profits, and private firms, such as underwriters, consultants, financial advisors, bond counsels, and rating agencies, which help in producing housing from concept to completion.
The National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) was created in 1974, 10 years after the first state Housing Finance Agency (HFA) began issuing housing bonds to finance homes for first-time homebuyers. What began as a small group of executive directors meeting annually has grown into a powerful national association and advocate for HFAs and affordable housing in Washington.
NCSHA represents its members in Washington before Congress, the Administration, and several federal agencies concerned with housing, including HUD and the Treasury, and with other advocates for affordable housing.
Presenting an Item to the Board
Before an item can be presented to the Board; it must be submitted in writing to the Authority. Submission cut-off-date for the disccussion agenda is fourteen (14) days prior to meeting. Presentations must include all supporting documentation; as well as, a detailed request addressed to:
Frantz Dutes, Executive Director |
Local Lodging and Accommodations
Should you need to plan an overnight stay in the City Beautiful, below are Downtown Orlando, area hotels listed in order of distance to the board meeting - both venues are within walking distance (approximately 10-15 minutes). Grand Bohemian Hotel | DoubleTree by Hilton
Jan. 8 |
May 7 |
Sep. 3 |
Feb. 5 |
Jun 4 |
Oct. 1 |
Mar. 5 |
Nov. 5 |
Apr. 2 |
Aug. 6 |
Dec. 3 |
*Board does not meet in July | ||
Agenda TBAThe Board of Directors meets on the 1st Wednesday of every month at the Orange County Administrative Bldg 201 S. Rosalind Ave., Orlando, 8:30am - 1st Fl - Commissioners Chambers |
Unless otherwise noted/ advertised, meeting(s) are subject to change and are posted with Orange County Agenda Development, in accordance with Administrative Regulation no. 2.09.II. Contact Frantz Dutes, Executive Director, for ALL board inquires. |
Presenting to Our Board
If you intend to present an item for OCHFA Board consideration at its next meeting, all documentation must be received no later than: Monday, March 17, 2025 Attn: Frantz Dutes, Executive Director |
As directed by policy, incomplete items will not be presented to the Board; complying with this deadline is imperative. Should you have any questions or need additional information, contact Frantz Dutes, at (407) 894-0014. |
Joint/ Ad Hoc Committee Mtg |
Download Agenda Pkg
Orange County Administrative Regulations |
Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, states that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by a board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.